Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lower fat, lower sugar crockpot granola or I wonder why we don't get sick from eating old food.

My insanity kicked in again this week, so I made granola (still using the crockpot) using less oil & sugar. Here it is cooling.

The recipe was the very first recipe in Google's list. I stopped there because I had all the ingredients and because I probably tend to eat a bigger bowl of granola when I eat granola than some other people might and every time I dish it out I think, "Well, there's about 1000 calories."

While the granola was cooking, I decided to make something REALLY healthy for lunch. REALLY healthy means low-fat AND incorporating fruits/vegetables. As I said, my insanity kicked in again this week. I ended up cooking quinoa, adding cottage cheese, frozen peas (defrosted slightly via rinsing), chopped onion, orange bell pepper, watermelon, black grapes and several dashes of white pepper. I couldn't remember the ratio for water to quinoa, so did another google and learned here, "Quinoa should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer if storage beyond a month is desired. " Say WHAT? The quinoa we ate today was purchased in May of LAST year, frozen for several weeks just to kill any insect eggs that might have been in it, and then put into what looks like a repurposed glass salsa jar in the pantry. The sunflower seeds and flax seeds I used for the granola today are even older than the quinoa, and they may not even have been frozen before going into the pantry. My dried fruit doesn't get used often enough to be eaten anywhere remotely within the expiration dates (if they even have any - I usually pick them out of bulk bins).

No. 1 shared a watermelon with us on August 22 and we're still eating off of it long after she said that her portion went bad. Looks fine TO ME, and tastes delicious:

Sometimes I'm too ignorant to know when food is designated "bad". No. 2 cut the grey/brown parts out of avocados when she was here, but I just ate those parts along with the green parts and never noticed any taste difference between green and grey. Sometimes I simply don't care to know when food is designated "bad" like when the dried blueberries MIGHT be more black than blue. Sometimes, I think it's wasteful to throw away food stuffs that look and smell fine. Other times I think either there's not a lot of credence to these food storage guidelines or that my storage conditions are superior to those used to develop the guidelines. The watermelon has been at the rear of the top refrigerator shelf (where temps are inbetween those of a refrigerator and freezer), for instance, and the indoor temperature of our house never fluctuates much beyond 75-85 degrees with low humidity. No. 1 and her husband closely follow guidelines with NO exceptions, so I must be careful to serve them only the freshest food if they eat here. Do you follow guidelines or tend to use your eyes and nose to make your own decisions?


Ann said...

I think it is a bit disturbing that you east rancid food. Oh well it's your digestive system, but I sure wouldn't want to eat something that would make me sick. To each his own I guess.


Farmer's Daughter said...

I didn't know you could make granola in the crock pot.

At our house, we routinely don't worry about the dates. I just always figured those were for people who couldn't tell if something was good or bad, like a safety net. My husband will drink milk that's over a week past the expiration date as long as it smells fine, but I won't go that far.

Now that I'm pregnant I've been making a big effort to keep up with the expiration dates, just in case, for the baby's sake. But I swear I could eat anything before and never had a problem as long as it looked good to me. If it looked bad, I didn't eat it.