Friday, November 13, 2009

Fall Gardening in North Texas.

Em's been helping me in the garden lately. I can't describe how much that means to me. Not only is he taking half the stress off my back physically, but it's just a lot more fun to have someone to talk to while working in the garden.

The goal is to spend one hour per day out there getting the summer weeds (grasses) dug out and the winter garden planted, but we don't always feel like it. Today was the first time out there in over a week. Em dug with the spade and I came along behind him fertilizing and planting.

When his back started to complain, Em noticed some peppers that were store-size. He didn't want to pick them, so I did when my back started to complain, breaking off a branch on a salsa pepper plant (accidently).


Lots of chiltepins out there, but I haven't yet found a hot sauce recipe, so I'm leaving them for now. Picked a bunch of kale today, though, which are soaking for tonight's dinner of salsa salmon and kale.


It's delightful afternoon gardening weather, AND fireants seem to only come out in hot weather. There were none when I did the Spring planting and there are none now. Three cheers for that!

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