Here are just a few of those who came to see her walk across that stage.
Don't know who bought all the flowers or what happened to them while we went out to eat afterwards. We didn't buy any because we didn't know what to do with them while we went out to eat.
She wants to get a job after taking the summer off, waiting a year or so before grad school. We'll see how that goes. Very, very proud of her.
62 years old today, and starting to get little notices from my knees: "What did you DO to me?" "Nothing! Sit Down and Shut UP!"
Garden's doing great, IMO, considering all that's going on this time of year around here. No. 1 will be graduating next Friday and getting married 2 weeks after that. Little by little, our house is being filled with borrowed serving items and alcohol/other stuff purchased for this event.
Peaches are ripening on the trees.
Have 4 sweet potato "rounds" in the backyard:
Will be planting cantalope and cucumber in the 1 round reserved for the sweet potato that died and the 1 round reserved for the horseradish that died. [R.I.P.], as I'm running out of space to separate squashes from cucumbers from watermelon from cantalope.
Thought I ought to get these pics up of the rhubarb because I'm gonna be pickin' it to make strawberry rhubarb dessert soon.
We've been eating salads for several weeks now consisting of turnip greens mixed with lettuce, mixed with strawberries, smashed almonds, quinoa, orzo, etc.
Last year's compost turned out to have so many volunteers that they've overrun the Home Depot tomato and pepper plants I planted this year. For a long time, I thought the volunteers were cucumber or cantalope (because we eat a lot of that), but it looks now like maybe zucchini, so I've been pulling up the zucchini planted elsewhere and looking for places to plant cantalope and cucumber = reason for using the unused mounds.
Incorporating the heirloom tomatoes and peppers that I'd started in those Burpee things this Spring. Here are a few of them already planted outside with the beans and strawberries, which will be going through slow "mounding" processes with mushroom soil in an attempt to simulate the replanting they might have gone through with someone with a greenhouse.
I'd thought to plant something with the asparagus, but ended up giving them a newspaper mulch because their octopus-like roots seem to get disturbed during weeding. Waste of space, IMO, but weeding that asparagus patch was hard.
There MIGHT be some cantalope & cucumber volunteering in the NEW compost/garden area: