Exploring life, family, fun, gardening, politics, environmentalism, cooking, and things we didn't know.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Other Blogs that i ran into
I was actually looking for a way to listen to the rtsp defcon archives when i found these:
I like the holier one more, just because of the quizes...
(I heated up your links, #3; hope you don't mind.)
In MY experience, most of the so-called Christian Right consists of organizations spawned by Christian Reconstructionists (and that includes the handlers of G.W.) The Christian Reconstructionists are interested in creating a theocracy in the US. Unfortunately, many Christians don't research backgrounds before they offer their support. (part of that "one born every minute" thing) :-)
SOME Christians have noticed that those who claim to be Christians just aren't walkin' the walk, and they want their religion back from these zealots with an agenda. This was even mentioned in Neil's "impeachment" song...how his religion has been distorted and how he wants his religion back. Bobbyg mentioned it to me first, though.
Speakin' of Christians, you still best friends with Mark?
Did you notice that we now have dates on comments? I'm gonna deactivate the email notices for the administrators now everyone has the ability to scan the "latest comments" to see what's been added since their last visit and click on the link to post a new comment.
I saw the change, that is alot more helpful, would there be a way to sort them by topic, and add the topic header between the groups?
I know, i'm never satisfied...
LOL. It sure is beginning to look that way.
They're already in order by topic; adding the dates didn't do anything to change that. Topic header between groups would probably involve some code. I'm busy, AND I'm interested in comments on EVERY topic. Knowing when I last checked the comments, I can now tell at a glance what comments were entered since I looked and who entered them. I have everything *I* want; if YOU want more, CODE IT. Just be sure to backup the template first and replace it if your changes break stuff.
I'd never heard of Greg Spring, #3.
In MY experience, most of the so-called Christian Right consists of organizations spawned by Christian Reconstructionists (and that includes the handlers of G.W.) The Christian Reconstructionists are interested in creating a theocracy in the US. Unfortunately, many Christians don't research backgrounds before they offer their support. (part of that "one born every minute" thing) :-)
SOME Christians have noticed that those who claim to be Christians just aren't walkin' the walk, and they want their religion back from these zealots with an agenda. This was even mentioned in Neil's "impeachment" song...how his religion has been distorted and how he wants his religion back. Bobbyg mentioned it to me first, though.
Speakin' of Christians, you still best friends with Mark?
Did you notice that we now have dates on comments? I'm gonna deactivate the email notices for the administrators now everyone has the ability to scan the "latest comments" to see what's been added since their last visit and click on the link to post a new comment.
I saw the change, that is alot more helpful, would there be a way to sort them by topic, and add the topic header between the groups?
I know, i'm never satisfied...
LOL. It sure is beginning to look that way.
They're already in order by topic; adding the dates didn't do anything to change that. Topic header between groups would probably involve some code. I'm busy, AND I'm interested in comments on EVERY topic. Knowing when I last checked the comments, I can now tell at a glance what comments were entered since I looked and who entered them. I have everything *I* want; if YOU want more, CODE IT. Just be sure to backup the template first and replace it if your changes break stuff.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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