I wouldn't think that a garden fungus (like the one on my green beans) could be transmitted to humans, but SOMETHING happened to my lips:

I'm treating the lips with cider vinegar (in case it's a yeast problem) and virgin coconut oil (in case it's a fungus problem), discontinuing all lip products (in case it's an allergy problem).
I could have looked like Angelina Jolie had the malady affected both sides of the lips equally, but it didn't.
Gross ma.
It (they?) actually look quite a bit better today. You stopped by during a period of astringent application, so you saw scabby lips. Fungi like warm, moist, so if it was a fungus, I figured drying it out would kill it, and it looks like it did, because once the dry stuff was peeled away, the lips below were pretty normal.
I'm not gonna do more weeding until Thursday so as to defer any possible fungus transmission until after we've gone to Winstar tomorrow. Priorities, ya know.
Yuck, thanks for the close up of your fungi lips. That is quite nasty looking, but thanks for sharing..I guess
I just came across your site after doing a search. Seems like I have the same problem. Did you apply the cider directly onto your lips? I read that consuming yogurt helps as well. Thanks for the post!
I keep a small dish of apple-cider vinegar around the house for fire-ant bites. If you use it immediately after getting bit, the bites don't itch as much, so I just dipped a cotton ball into the dish for lip application and then threw away the cotton with NO double-dipping.
Diane (offline) shared with me something a Dermatologist had shared with her regarding commercial dandruff shampoos(any brand, including generic): Can be used to relieve fungus, yeast, heat rash, acne problems. I've been just using it like body wash and my skin looks better than it ever has.
Based on how many people have found their way here googling "lip fungus", I think it's a pretty common problem worldwide. Who Knew, eh?
OMG I cannot believe this I have been batteling this for years and they say it was excezma when I saw your picture that is what mine look like. The cocunut oil where can you get that and do you apply it during the day when they are so dry. What does it do with healing. Also is their anything to take internally to help it does not come back
Hi, Elizabeth. I didn't have the problem very long, but ... YES, the coconut oil can be applied to the lips at any time. I tend to take a shotgun approach, which is to say I tend to use a little bit of EVERYTHING I've heard could work.
So, I would, for instance, wash my lips with vinegar and then rub on coconut oil. I might also eat yogurt, make sure I'm getting enough B12, use coconut oil in place of other oil in recipes (or just take a spoonful of it each day). It IS a food, afterall! I buy mine at a store called Whole Foods, but you can find it anywhere natural foods are sold. Don't be alarmed if it changes from a liquid to a solid once you get it home. It responds to temperature changes which in no way affect the product.
While the coconut oil offers immediate relief from the dryness, it's not like a chapstick and your lips will feel dry soon again. What I did was wash my lips with the vinegar again and reapply a little more of the oil, repeating that process of vinegar followed by the oil all day. I would use a fresh cotton ball for each application so I wasn't dipping an infected cotton ball into either product.
Good luck! Come back and report on your progress.
Thank you for the help. I found something at our Sprouts that has Cococut Oil and Tea Tree Oil in it so with the vinegar and that I am doing better. I am also picked up some Yeast-Cleanse supplements and ProBiotics to take as I have dealth with this so long thought that might help
After resesarch I am finding to alter my diet and watch anything that has yeast in it also no sugar as yeast grown with sugar.
Haha weird! I too, seemed to have contracted an infection of the lip (fungal, i believe)... and stumbled on your blog through google!
For anyone else that might come through here searching for answers: my all-natural home remedy!
-A couple of teaspoons of turmeric
-Eight drops of tea tree oil
-A tablespoon of coconut oil (or olive oil, if c. oil is unavailable).
The turmeric kills bacteria, the tea tree kills fungi and the oil allows for easy application and keeps the turmeric and tea tree oil from making your lips too crusty.
I've been applying it for three days and it seems to be clearing up! Good luck to everyone :D
I feel better that I have found some answers. I am a serious lip licker and the slick feeling on my lips made my mouth feel weird. When I realized it was my lips I made sure that I stopped licking them. I have begun eating greek yogurt and I had been unsing listerin to wipe my lips with. I will use the Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar and some of the other home remedies I've read about. Thank you for all the info!!
Just use an anti-fungal cream. Same stuff you'd use for athelete's foot. Putting food on your face will just keep the area moist (bad), and you're just feeding the fungus.
I went through the same thing for almost a year.....it would come back in a few months, then every month, then as soon as I healed it would come right back. I actually went to the hospital ER, and found a female doctor to was hip to what was going on. I took 2 weeks of 150mg Fluconazole, plus was told by the doc to take oil of oregano, and apple cider vinegar. I got better almost immediately, and stuff was drying up all over my body! (little red patches I just thought were nothing) It was amazing!! What is it? You guessed it ---systemic yeast infection. Some doctors (many)do not believe this can take place. I was blessed to find a great woman doc who helped. Yeah, you started a fire with this post, because the problem is rampant in the US. Topical meds did NOT work for me, including anti-fungals for feet, etc. I hope this info helps someone who looks up "lip fungus" in the future.
I went through the same thing for almost a year.....it would come back in a few months, then every month, thes as soon as I healed it would come right back. I actually went to the hospital ER, and found a female doctor to was hip to what was going on. I took 2 weeks of 150mg Fluconazole, plus was told by the doc to take oil of oregano, and apple cider vinegar. I got better almost immediately, and stuff was drying up all over my body! (little red patches I just thought were nothing) It was amazing!! What is it? You guessed it ---systemic yeast infection. Some doctors (many)do not believe this can take place. I was blessed to find a great woman doc who helped. Yeah, you started a fire with this post, because the problem is rampant in the US. Topical meds did NOT work for me, including anti-fungals for feet, etc. I hope this info helps someone who looks up "lip fungus" in the future.
Did any of you have tingling/burning on your tongue or sore gums? This stuff just came upon me about a month ago and my doc doesn't know what it is. I'm going to see my dentist in 2 days and then an ENT doc next week.
No tingling or sore gums here, Judy.
Stop back and tell us the diagnosis.
Just got the diagnosis....oral yeast infection. Not sure how it developed, but I'm finally getting some meds and hopefully some relief!!!
Thanks for the post.
I'm going through the same thing. For 5 months my lips have been dry and chapped. I tried everything for the lips I could, even looking on-line for ideas. They ended up just constantly peeling and cracking until I couldn't even eat from the pain and stinging. I finally went to the doctor and he said it was a lip fungus and gave me a prescription for diflucan, a med for yeast infections. Told me if it helped, to use the 2 refills. If not, I have to see a dermatologist. I took it for the 2 days and I was so much better. I was out yesterday, and by last night I was itching and have the small blisters back. I'm off to get the refill today. I haven't tried the apple cider vinegar or yogurt. I'll try that. Hopefully with the meds, I can finally be rid of this fungus.
I have a lip fungus and it looks just like the picture. I had it once before and I treated it with oil of oregano. It burns like the dickens if you put it on your lips, but it will clear it up in 2 days. I'm actually taking the oregano by putting about 7 drops in a capsule and swallowing it, twice a day. I hope to clear it up quickly without having to put it directly on my lips. But it definitely works! Its an anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti viral treatment.
Wow am I ever glad I found THIS site...I've been dealing with this EXACT same disorder and when I saw that picture of your lips I KNEW I had a funguus and not just cold sores. I thought I could clear this up on my own and I tried EVERYTHING but no luck. My doctor gave me a RX for antibiotics and Valtrex but I'm thinking I'll need the 150mg Fluconazole after reading these posts. I will also try the Oil of Oregano for healing. God Bless this Site :))
P.S. I did take Benedryl capsules and a 24 hour time released Allergy pill that did seem to help clear up the redness and swealing, but it kept me drowsey and that was the only side effect. There are lip balms out there with Tea Tree Oil (Lypisol) which does help soothe the soreness so you can at least eat and drink without so much pain.
I have had lip fungus 3 times now and it's just about the most unpleasant experience. It has always been brought on by a sunburn to my lips that led me to over-moisturizing my lips with Vaseline (the ideal environment for fungal growth!). The only thing that works for me is a Nystatin prescription. With my most recent experience, I combined a Nystatin powder with Desitin cream (for baby diaper rash) - this was a recommendation from my sister who is a nurse. It worked pretty much immediately!!! It's been 24 hours and my lips are almost completely healed! I tried a few natural remedies like yogurt and slices of potato and also an over the counter anti fungal cream and by far, Nystatin works best. Good luck!!
Hi there! Well I think after doing my own research I mite have lip fungus . went to my dr. today he said that what I have on my lips was not herpes and that he couldn't see anything really wrong with my lips to just wait a few days or weeks and that I mite feel better lol .man I'm gonna start looking for a new dr. anyway I'm gonna try the vinegar and coconut oil I hope it helps:)
I had the same thing for a couple of weeks, tried all sorts of balms and antibiotic ointments (26/Male) no luck.
Doc presecribed (2) 150mg Fluconazole pills (i laughed when i saw what it usually treated, but hey, fungus is fungus)
I'm pretty confident it will clear up after reading all of this.
Worst. Feeling. Ever.
Mine were red, swollen, weeping clear fluid, and scabbing over during a night's sleep...terrible thing, terrifying almost.
hope this helps someone else who has the unfortunate luck of getting oral fungus.
I see your posts are from 2009 well, I'm so thankful to have found this bit of information. It's like GOLD! I started with this 7 months ago. Just recently it has been the worst. I finally went to my doctor. Put me on a steroid systemically and topically. Cleared it up but came back full force. So, now I have an appointment to see my dermatologist and a holistic doctor too. So, we will see what happens. In the mean time I went ahead and purchased tea tree oil, oil of oregano, castor oil and apple cider vinegar. The castor oil applied on my lips seems to help the best for now. Once again, THANK YOU for this wonderful information. Such a relief until I can get into see my dermatologist. JDCRDH
Mother Nature Knows Best!! Thanks so much for the blog Oldnovice! I developed a fungal lip infection over a month ago and have been battling it with anti fungal creams and Toxic Nizoral Tablets with little or no relief. I took your advice and 3 days later the lesion dried up and peeled off with Skin underneath almost back to normal. I layered apple cider vinegar,tea tree oil, coconut oil, canesten cream and Weleda Baby Nappy(diaper) change cream! I'm also taking Vit B2 and Probitics. I plan to start taking coconut oil and yoghurt as a routine. This is amazing!
Thqnk goodness for this site: No doctors know what to do with lip fungus. Lips are swollen, weeping, cracked at the sides, painfull, peeling, burning, tingling. It is awful. My lips are enormous and sore. I have tried vitimin E, Coconut oil and neither have worked. I have been off surgar completely for two weeks and so far no improvement. Today I started an anti fungal cream and I will also try the apple cidar vinegar. I also have anti allergy medicine but am not sure if this medicine feeds the yeast. Any ideas. Thanks for this site.
I had the cracking in my lips for a month. I was so scared I didn't know what it was. I went to the Doctors and the Dermatologist, nothing seemed to help. I have tried every home remedy there was. However, the one thing I didnt try was a natural as they come, TAKING MY VITAMINS! I was reading online everywhere and saw posts about eating Broccoli. As soon as I started eating broccoli I started feeling a difference, Also the second time I went back to the Derm. he gave me some Zinc Oxcide, I think that helped as well. Then I ordered my Vitamins (B Complex and B2 400).
Soon as I received them and started taking them my cuts where feeling better day by day. I also got tea tree oil and I just love how it feels and smells, and I would rub that on my lips and then I would open one of my B2 400 pills on the areas and I was like magic. I feel so much better but I honestly think TAKING YOUR VITAMINS, EATING BROCCOLI and Tea Tree oil did me justice. GOOD LUCK!!
And thank you sooo much for this website!!!....I has helped me sooo much!!!!
I've been battling lip fungus for a few years (on and off). My doctor prescribed Clotrimazole and Betamethasone Dipropionate Cream (1%/0.05%) but it never worked that good for me. It starts to clear up and then comes back. I'm going to try the apple cider vinegar and other suggestions here. Thanks to all for your help.
TGFor this site My Dr treated my lips as an alergy which didn't do any good. another Dr finally prescribed the nystaten 2 times a day and the 2nd time i use it is before bed and in the Am my lips look much better but as the day progresses they are worse. I am going to ask my primery Dr4 for diflucan it has worked for other fungus infections. DLW
Desertdweller says,
I've been suffering for 2 months with some kind of fungal infection on my lips that I contacted from mulched leaf debrie while working in my yard. Within 4 days of the contact I got a burning rash on my lips and what looked like a cold sore. After 8 days of trying cold sore meds. I went to the Doctor and she said I had a staff infection. After taking antibiotics the cold sore and the staff infection went away, but left me with sore, red, and irritated lips and it was getting worse. Even my tongue was tingling on the tip. My Doctor said to use fungal cream (Clotrimazole). After 2 weeks it wasn't much better so I went to a Dermatologist. He said it was too far into the healing to get a culture sample and just use Aquaphor cream to keep it soft.
Well, I read this site and immediately went and bought Bragg's Apple cider vinegar and I had a big reaction from my lips.
They have started peeling and the layer of sticky glue has started to come off. I'm going to get the teatree oil and oil of oregano next. I have a Doctor's app. next week so we"ll see what she says.
I may go back to the Derm if it flares up again. Thanks so much for all the information. It's been very educational.
Hi Judy,
With medication did ur lips heal? And what medication were u prescribed?
Did the meds work?
I found this post because of the picture that looked just like my lips. Sooo painful itchy and did not want to contaminate anyone.I think I had it two years continuously off and on. Asked my Doctor is it herpes he said no (I don't know). He then said it was stress related pertaining to an imbalance in my body (good verse bad bacteria). I tried everything, coconut oil, vinegar you name it!
What worked for me was two parts water and one part vinegar. I dabbed it on with a cotton ball every time it started to itch. Holy Hell when is it going to stop. My Brother-in-law and I were talking at an Easter celebration and he knew how to fix it. He had fungus feet and hands from sports.
Neutrogena hand cream 2 OZ. fragrance free(Norwegian Formula). It comes in a white box with a black label with name Neutrogena close to the bottom. Took me a few days to get to drug store and just kept drying my lips out with the vinegar and water mixture.
One small dab on my lips and I thank God every day!
I never want what ever it was ever again!
I keep vinegar and hand cream close by and I thank God it is gone for I think three years.
Thanks for helping me ma
18I found this post because of the picture that looked just like my lips. Sooo painful itchy and did not want to contaminate anyone.I think I had it two years continuously off and on. Asked my Doctor is it herpes he said no (I don't know). He then said it was stress related pertaining to an imbalance in my body (good verse bad bacteria). I tried everything, coconut oil, vinegar you name it!
What worked for me was two parts water and one part vinegar. I dabbed it on with a cotton ball every time it started to itch. Holy Hell when is it going to stop. My Brother-in-law and I were talking at an Easter celebration and he knew how to fix it. He had fungus feet and hands from sports.
Neutrogena hand cream 2 OZ. fragrance free(Norwegian Formula). It comes in a white box with a black label with name Neutrogena close to the bottom. Took me a few days to get to drug store and just kept drying my lips out with the vinegar and water mixture.
One small dab on my lips and I thank God every day!
I never want what ever it was ever again!
I keep vinegar and hand cream close by and I thank God it is gone for I think three years.
Thanks for helping me ma
If you want to learn more about permanent lip augmentation treatment you can visit to permanent lip augmentation gurgaon
Crazy how this is the post that never quits! Thank you, Old Novice for your blog and for sharing your experience.
I too was brought here after searching Google images for a condition I've been dealing with for 3 weeks. It all started after making a homemade beef stew, and having my lips swell to 3 times there size immediately after having eaten it. After ruling out food poisoning and allergic reactions, I have come to the conclusion that I have a fungal yeast infection, most likely brought on by the packages of mushrooms I used (and washed thoroughly, or so I thought) in that ill-fated beef stew.
Thinking I might have had an allergic food reaction, I initially treated my swelling with generic drug store Benadryl. This help immensely, but the issue never really went away and I was always lethargic & sleepy from the medicine. My lips wouldn't go back to normal, nor would the peeling and chapping stop. Oh, and the tingling and burning...yikes. I had all the symptoms of oral thrush. What an unpleasant few weeks these have been. The generic Benadryl only served to bring down a good 75% of the swelling, but it wasn't really "healing" anything else. So then, while my lips didn't swell to high heaven and didn't bleed anymore, nothing was happening...until the tears and cracks began on the sides of my mouth. OUCH, more pain. The sides of my mouth are cracked open practically--that plus the chapped, peeling, swollen and chafed lips--ouch. Not to mention the top of my tongue was starting to turn a little blotchy white. Up to this point I'd been treating all this with the allergy pill, coconut oil constantly slathered onto my lips, as well as splitting open a Vitamin E capsule to slather that on as well, in the hopes that it would heel the chapped and chafing lips. Nada. It was like putting on a momentary soothing remedy, but nothing got better.
Google searches brought me to images and sites that suggested the possibility of this being a yeast/fungal infection...and suddenly, it all makes sense. The symptoms fall into place and are consistent with oral thrush. Rushed out to the drugstore and bought generic Lamisil, which is Terbafine Hydrochloride--the strongest over-the-counter antifungal cream, and said to be more effective over the "-azole" ending antifungals. I am continuing the generic Benadryl for the swelling. But then, to kill off the bad bacteria and bring on the good internally, I also bought Garden of Life Raw Probiotics Ultimate Care (at Whole Foods, refrigerated section), and organic yogurt from Trader Joe's. (I figured I need to treat my insides not just my outsides, and this would be the best way to go).
(Continued below)
IN ONE DAY, I have seen 85% of my lip swelling go down. The white fuzzy coating that had begun to appear on the top of my tongue is down about 50%. I slathered--yes, slathered--desperate times call for desperate measures, the generic Lamisil on my lips and the skin surrounding my mouth, which had gotten rash-like, as well as both corners which are cracked. I do this several times a day when I see it has all absorbed into my skin. In just 24 hours my entire mouth situation is considerably more "calm" and less inflamed, if we can cal it that. This combination of things is working. I'm sure it has to do with my insides and my outsides working in conjunction, and it's given me hope. I've not had that for the past 3 weeks, so this is exciting. I'm going to continue this for about a week or two after it clears up, as is always recommended with the treatment of other skin fungal cases, I want to make sure I get this sucker.
I think I'll also head out and buy the Apple Cider Vinegar which has been so helpful to so many. It'll be good to have on hand, if nothing else.
Thank you all for sharing your stories and remedies, and thank you to the owner of this blog for sharing hers. 6 years after she blogged about her situation, here we are, still being helped by everyone here. Thank you everybody, and Happy 2015!
I seem to be having the same problems with my lips. They have been very dry and chapped for 2 months now. Been applying every kind of lip balm and Vaseline imaginable, but nothing was really helping. Then, had a bout of what I thought were fever blisters as I have had them before. But, I usually only get one or two big blisters, not a million tiny blisters on my top and bottom lip. Bought more topical treatments and now I look like I did when I was a child when I would constantly lick my lips. I'm going to try the apple cider vinegar and anti-fungal creams and hope it works. Someone at work asked me had I had the skin around my lips waxed. It's uncomfortable and ugly! I'll update.
Do any of you experience your lip or lips twitching when they are chapped and inflamed? I don't think this is a coincidence but my upper lip keeps twitching and my lips are burning, tingly, chapped and dried out.
Fungi invade and grow in dead keratin. Keratin is a protein that makes up your skin, hair and nails.Mycozil Nail Fungus
I was having the same problem, cracked around my corner lips, redness around lips and I tried all the lip balm it did not work. My father bought the Anti Fungal cream Econazine and it healed very fast.
Hi I have fungus problem in my feet and groin area for years. The interesting thing is that when I apply antifungal cream strong one, tea tree oil or other's, my lips gets swollen. Doc says allergy gives allergy shots which helps. Lips and inner mouth cheeks remain swollen 2 days. Anyone has experienced this situation. It has happened several times and I hate to go for treatment of fungus in the foot.
Antifungal Cream provides the proven effectiveness of two percent (2%) miconazole nitrate in a soothing petrolatum-free base.No
Miss Antifungal Fungus Killer
Hi, I just wanted to thank you for posting this. My daughter started her first day of high school with a scabby inflamed lip fungus. It was painful and humiliating for her. She had visited a water park and come home with it. We didn't know at the time that it was a fungus. We tried campho phenique, chapstick, baby lips. Nothing worked. I found this post and she applied the apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball, let it dry, then put on straight coconut oil on her lips. By the next day the scabs were falling off. One week later and her lips were back to normal! I can't thank you enough for sharing this so I could help my daughter.
My lips had the symptoms of peeling, redness, swelling, irritation. My dermatologist took a sample of my lips and tested it. He found out it was a type of fungus. He gave me a tube of a sample cream ointment and it disappeared within a few days. I found out I got it from my cats and possibly my little dog. Every time I would kiss my cat on the head or accidently rub my lips with my hand after petting them I would get the fungus again. Anyone would mistaken it for an allergic reaction, but it was not. So sometimes it can be caused from pets. Changing your pillow cases often helps and throwing out old chapticks or lipsticks. Never touch your lips with dirty hands, or from touching doorknobs, steering wheels. I'll will have to write back again here to give out the name of the ointment cream I used after I speak to my dermatologist. It's been a long time.
I have had something wrong with my lower lip for over a year now and it's driving me crazy. It looks like a rash just under my lower lip, same colour as my lip actually and it's so dry. I tried everything, no doctor even looks at it, they just say use lip balm. It goes away and comes back over and over again. The naturopath told me I have yeast in my body so I am wondering if that is yeast as well. It does not taste good and I can taste it all the time. I have tried everything, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, etc. The dermatologist gave me steroid cream to put on it which cleared it up but of course came right back after I stop using it. Don't want to use that anymore as I've had so much trouble using steroid medications so I gave them all up for my eczema. I am going to try antifungal medication now and see if that works. I also had something in my ears for years and they hurt bad and I think that was yeast too, it was thick and white. One doctor gave me antibiotics for it and it never came back. I have to give up all foods that contain yeast for a year according to my naturopath. I did tell her about my lip and she just said, We'll keep an eye on that, no advise on what to use or anything. There are so many strange things out there these days, so many allergies, rashes, etc, I don't think doctors even know what they are anymore.
I have had the swollen, red, cracking, peeling horrible lip issue as well. My Dr. took a swab and had it cultured. It took about 3 weeks to come back and say it was a fungus, so he prescribed Ketoconazole, and anti fungal medicine.I started getting this problem 3 years ago, comes and goes, so today, I just applied the cream, I hope this is it. I did not have it tested in the past. So I would highly recommend having the lips actually swabbed and cultured to find out yeast or fungus. Which doesn't make sense to me, because I thought they were one and the same. Hope this helps
*BEST - I hope that EVERY person who has these types of lip problems, will read this information. It will take care of your problem in short order. Most health professionals, especially Conventional doctors, and holistic doctors, Will not get this one, and it is the reason, most of the time that this "lip problem" keeps coming back, regardless what you do. First, let's identify the usual symptoms, all of which are present within 48 hours: - 1. Lips swell largely, to 2-3 times normal. 2. Lips tingle/burn. 3. Overly Dry Lips, with scaling skin on, below or above the lips. 4. Weeping - yellow and/or clear liquid coming from the lips upper or lower (either or both). 5. Sometimes inside mouth raw feeling on gums around teeth. 6. Sometimes throat or sinus irritation, like getting a cold.
What is usually diagnosed as some type of Cheilitis, Impetigo, Eczema, Rash, or even allergic reactions to other things, like food, cosmetics etc., is NOT. Not in all cases, but in over 90% of these cases, it is none of these happening - and the reason for re-uccurances days, weeks, months or years later. What is at the Root of your problem, is a STREP INFECTION (bacterial), that ORIGINATES most of the time, in the stomach. Sometimes, it's in other areas, like the lungs, throat etc. Yes, the stomach, and can be there for years, without detection. It surfaces by moving up through the upper extremities, to soft tissues like the lips, mouth, throat, nose, sinuses. Strep is highly contagious, and in fact, most people have it floating around in them, and don't know it - until something triggers it, usually a little emotional stress, which you also may not even be aware of.
CURE: We've found that our VERY BEST cure, is NOT antibiotics of ANY KIND - or lip creams, hydrocortisone, fungal creams etc. This actually increases the yeast factor immediately, and does not get rid of the Strep, and actually prolongs the bacteria until later. With drug antibiotics, symptoms may appear to recede for awhile, but will reappear later again - and then you also have the yeast problem to deal with, which can actually aggravate the problem and other problems even more.
COLLOIDAL SILVER, is the only thing we'd recommend, to get rid of the problem, for Long Term.
Buy a bottle of Colloidal Silver at your health food store, any brand will do. TAKE 10 DROPS PER HOUR, until the bottle is gone. You'll see the symptoms begin subsiding within a few hours. Colloidal silver stays in the bloodstream and kills all the Strep bacteria within your entire body, for this is NOT limited to your lips or skin irritations. It's coming from within your body. You can keep your lips moist with some type of lip balm, whatever works best for you, without burning as much, until the lips begin returning to normal, because the Colloidal Silver is killing the bacteria right away. Until you kill the bacteria inside, the symptoms on the outside will not subside, or appear to subside, until later. Google Colloidal Silver and educate yourself. Even if you are suffering from any other type of bacterial infection, this will help your entire body. The yellow or clear discharge from your lips, or peeling, is evidence of bacterial infection, and the culprit is in over 90% of the cases, is a form of Strep. Problem solved, usually within 48 hours. Colloidal Silver also helps anyone who has problems due to a Virus of some kind, like simple Herpes Simplex, etc. Drink at least 1 gallon of water every day religiously......even after you're healed. Additionally, we'd also recommend a good B-Complex vitamin daily for awhile, even some Zinc, especially for men, so that your immune system can process the stress more easily, without the immune system manifesting an external problem (most people are way deficient on B's - the stress busters). Good health to you.
I have the same swollen type of lips plus cracks on the side I could not get it to go away finally went to the doctor and he prescribed an antifungal cream much like you put on athlete's foot and it is less sore and less read after just one day we need to come up with a name for this! I'm glad I Googled it because I was beginning to think I was crazy
Red, not read :)
It did help .. thank youv
OMG... I am so glad I am not the only one who has had this atrocity! Mine started in early November 2016. I blamed it on using some (I assumed) out-dated lipstick in my purse... as I tend to use less makeup these days... and have sensitive skin anyway. Soon after, my lips were continuously dry, chapped, cracking... profusely! Well, I just kept using lip balms VERY OFTEN, as it was requiring me too. I tried Lip Medex, Carmex, Vaseline, Aquaphor... nothing worked. I tolerated the condition thinking it would eventually get better... it never did.
Finally this mid-January 2017, I went to my regular doctor... we made a plan based on an "allergic reaction"... she gave me a steroid injection and said if it isn't better in two days, we'll do a taper-down steroid pill. So... two days later I go on the steroid pill. Nothing! I luckily got in with my dermatologist the next week. She took a SED rate and general bloodwork to check for abnormalities, did a viral scrape and a fungal scrape. All bloodwork and viral scrape turned out fine. The doc started me on a "very expensive" herpes cold-sore topical cream (I have never had a cold sore in my life... and not even now). A HUGE waste of mine and my insurance's money... it did nothing!!! Ugh!
Prior to my follow up, a church friend said she had had the same symptoms where nothing helped, and it was a Vitamin B-12 deficiency... so I began pumping B-12 in me. Then at my 2-week derm follow up, I found out I tested positive on the bacterial/fungal scrape. So the doctor started me on an antifungal pill and topical cream. She also performed a B12 panel for me (no information yet).
Now... here is where I began doing research as to "where did I get this infection and what are others saying about it?"... so I am glad to have found your blog. Therefore... I went out yesterday and purchased Bragg's organic apple cider vinegar and virgin coconut oil!!! Today is my first full day trying the regimen... as I am desparate to try anything! I must say... once you get past the "burning" of applying the vinegar... it is quite a relief... almost an analgesic numbing effect. It makes my eyes water... but hey, I'll try anything! I just want to get this mess gone!!! Ugh!
In conclusion... I have summized (and fully believe) that this all came about as I had had my lip waxed around the time it all began. So with my skin freshly exfoliated... it could have possibly been contaminated the lipstick, maybe me kissing my dogs fur, I even wonder if the hair-dresser's wax or applicator stick was contaminated... maybe some vegetables with pesticides... did I touch something in a public place and somehow touched my face without thinking... oh well, what's done is done!
Anyway... it's a little early to give you a final prognosis... but hopefully in a couple of days, I can report back and say "I'm all better!" I just wanted to give my input... and let you know that I appreciate these ideas! At first, I felt like the only person to ever have a fungal lip infection... if that is what it is?!? :(
Would love to hear the results! Please keep me posted - mine has been going on for the last 8 months and the doc is yet to refer me for any tests or panelling.
Wow! I can't believe how many people have this issue! I have had it off and on for about 5 years! Burning, pain, itching, red and dry. Went to the dermatologist and they did an allergy testing panel, nothing. Cost me $500. Recently a nurse I work with said her daughter had a similar issue and it was fungal so I tried using a fungal cream that I had in my cabinet. Instant relief! No more burning, redness is going away. However, if it does return I will try the vinegar and coconut oil. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this blog. I have been suffering with the symptoms like all the other posters. They would come and go for no reason and in no regular pattern. After about 1 year of this and when my upper lip swelled up so much it looked I had been in a fight, I went to the ReadyMed after work. The doctor prescribed and antibiotic and a oral steroid. After two weeks, nothing, no effect at all. I went to see my primary care physician. He said he would have prescribed the same medications as the ReadyMed doctor and referred me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist (a professor at Harvard Medical school) was completely perplexed with my condition. He prescribed a different antibiotic and Desonide Cream 0.05%. One week later, complete healing! I was thrilled. I was ready to send the doctor a thank you Christmas card. I stopped using the cream after two weeks as instructed. The symptoms came back immediately. Back to the dermatologist. He swabbed my lip, scheduled a patch test to test for allergies (which I knew it was not), and told me to continue with the Desonide cream. A few days later, I was then told I have a Staph infection on my lips and prescribed another steroid which did nothing. I knew this condition was not an allergy, so prior to the patch test, I took a day of work and started researching. I googled images of lip fungus and the photos I saw good have been me. I then found this blog and was amazed at the similar stories to mine. I went right out and purchased the apple cider vinegar and coconut oil. I also purchased cleaning supplies and cleaned every hard surface in my house with antibacterial wipes. The vinegar was very painful at first and my lips got a little worse as the dead skin was peeling off, but within a week, complete healing. It was a miracle!! Here's the best part. I stopped using the vinegar after a week and the symptoms have not returned! Three weeks have passed and no symptoms at all!! I do continue to use the coconut oil a couple time a day because it does help keep my lips moist and results in the need for less lip balm during the day. Thanks You, Thank You, Thank You!!
When it comes to using wild oregano oil on my lips, i use a product like this. Www.heensapothecary.com
Thanks for your blog; I just subscribe your blog. This is a nice blog. Lip Augmentation
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Today is June 16,2018 and my nightmare started approximately 2 months ago. My lips have always been dry since chemo and radiation treatments for throat cancer 3 years ago, so anything unusual around my mouth really makes me freak out. Being a nurse I tried to heal myself with the usual treatments for wounds, clean with normal saline, pat dry, apply Vitamin E oil. This only seemed to irritate it so overnight I have Jolie sized lips but cracked, oozing pus and yellow crusting, and on fire!! Of course this was a weekend so I went to an ED only to have a very rude young man dismiss my hysteria and tell me I had perioral dermatitis then proceeded to bring in pictures to show me. I told him I was a nurse and I too could "google" to which he took offense. At this point I was so over this visit but he gave me a fungal gel (even though he said it wasn't a fungus) and then I said shouldn't I take something systemically? So he gave me doxycycline AFTER he called a local pharmacy and asked them what he should give me!!! After my round of treatment with him it got worse so I went to a dermatologist who said it was allergies. He gave me Prednisone (steroid) and a steroid gel, said I would get better overnight......oddly, he was correct it was markedly better, so I kept up this regimen until 3 days later it flared again and the Prednisone made me suicidal.......weird!!!!! Plus beyond hyper!!!! I called him again and he looked at me and said don't give me steroids.....so I go get the medication and $40 later when I got home and opened it found out it was stronger steroids!!!! I have clown mouth and people staring at me so bad I started wearing a mask when going out. Both docs told me this was not infectious. At this point after much research I decided to go to my ENT who had treated me for the cancer. This was Thursday, he said this wasn't his area of expertise but NOT cancer! yay! but he thought it was herpes 1 or impetigo and gave acyclovir but not to get it filled until it flared again, which it did yesterday so I went and got the script but did not take it because today it was better. There is no rhyme or reason to any of this. I have not put any lipstick or gloss on my lips since this started. I have started taking tumeric with curcumin daily for inflammation and am now going to try apple cider and coconut oil. I was told by one NOT to use chapsticks and the other to only use auaphor which I have been doing and using lidocaine for pain. Even when it calms down it still is burning around my mouth. I hope someone finds a cure. I am going to another dermatologist this week. I can't take antihistamines and I was recently allergy tested for 3 hrs with no positive result. Please keep this blog going. Good to see I am not alone!
Unfortunately there are a lot of AIDS/Herpes denials on Herbal cures still out there. I did research on them after I was tested HIV/Herpes positive I was so worried am I going to die soon. I continue my search again on herbal remedy for Std, then I found lots of testimony on how Dr Itua Herbal Medicine Cured HIV/Aids, Herpes Virus,Copd, Hepatitis, Diabetes, On websites sharing their testimonies, which made much more sense to me. All the authors pronounce Dr Itua As a man with Good Heart, I pick interest in their testimonies and I contact him about my situation then he gave me procedure how it works, I proceed after one week he courier his Herbal Medicine to me and instruct me on how to drink it for two weeks to cure. I receive His Herbal Medicine so I drank it for two weeks as I was told then after 2 days I go for a test I found out I was cured from HIV/Aids & Herpes Virus, I pay homage to him 2 months ago to his country to celebrate with him on his African festival which he told me it usually happens every year. I know there are lots of (HIV)/Aids&Herpes Virus denials of Herbal Remedy movement the same few doctors and they represent a very small faction of the community. I could have died because I refused Natural Herbs Cures for so long, but luckily, by the grace of God I am alive to tell my story. Contact Info...Whatsapp Number...+2348149277967,Email...drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com/ info@drituaherbalcenter.com. My Instagram Username...avat5634 Just in case you need someone to talk with. He cure tthe following diseases below...1. Herpes 2. cancer 3. HIV / AIDS 4. hepatitis 5. Bring my ex back 6. Leprosy 7. SARS 8. Bubonic plague
9. Cerebrovascular disease 10. Lower respiratory infections 11. Syphilis 12. Influenza A-H1N1 (swine flu) 13.Ischemic heart disease 14. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 15. Whooping cough 16. Perinatal complications 17. diarrhea 18 .. lung cancer.
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